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My college roommate one day decided to refer to me as a barstool, with good reasoning. He said that I am assembled by God to be a sturdy tool for people who need support, but the most important part being that I have a few central "legs" I depend on in life, which I like to call my 4 F's:


Faith. Family. Friends. Fun.


So "Justin, how does this connect to your logo?" is something you may wonder. Well, let me show you!

As mentioned previously, I felt the calling to go into youth ministry in '14; however, I have always had the personality to help people and youth especially. I wish to be that person whom people can confide in and seek for love and support.


The logo is God's perspective on me - ie. the stool - as He is looking down on me in love. The 4 arrows pointing out are representative of my 4 F's - ie. the 4 legs - which point outward for the people I wish to reach out to, with my center being on Christ and his new life he has given me through his resurrection. As always, I am not the only person to reach out to others through Christ, rather I am just one vessel to be used by him. The 3 lines flowing from the cross represent the rest of God's body on earth to bring His kingdom.


According to, "the color blue expresses calm, gentle, serene feelings, while green symbolizes growth, strength and spirit. Teal is a deep blue-green color often referred to as turquoise. Teal or turquoise represents, through the psychology of color, a recharging of spirits". The cross is a teal color because Jesus is my source of energy (along with some sugar and caffeine) and worshipping Him brings me a recharged spirit.

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